Its a week until Halloween!… and we live in a house, in a neighborhood, with lots of kids… so lets google zombie pumpkins and see what comes up:)… I found this Zombie Pumpkin Project over at Martha Stewart.
$$ – (Under $15)
2 White Pumpkins – Grocery Store/ Pumpkin Patch… ($6)
Plastic balls – Thrift Store… ($3)
Paint/ Markers – Lying around the house… (free)
Knife / Miniature Saw
I found these beautiful white pumpkins while grocery shopping…
For the eyes, hold saw at an angle and cut 2 cone-shaped holes into the pumpkin. The diameter of the holes should be slightly smaller than the eyeballs’ diameter.
Since I could not find plastic eyeballs, I ended up picking up a giant bag of colored plastic balls (like the ones you jumped in as a kid) at a thrift store. I had markers and paint in the closet, and decided we would have a little art project making these eyeballs 🙂
Next, carve a mouth… There are templates over on Martha’s website…
She also did this Mouse Motel which I had to throw into our mix! I found the mice at a halloween store for under $1 each..
Of course, the neighbors had warned us that the squirrels will eat the pumpkins if we leave them out… sure enough, within 24 hours the zombie pumpkins had their eyes gnawed on, which zombie-fyed them even more :)… But we brought them inside to enjoy until Halloween night 🙂